Wednesday 13 July 2011

5 Tips for Reading With Your Child!

Reading with your children is one of the most important things you can do with and for them.  Not only is a great one-on-one experience, every time you read to them, you are helping build their reading skills.  Every reader can benefit.  Here 
are five simple ways to keep your young children reading.

1.  Always have reading material on hand.
There are always places we go with our children where we have some time to kill.  What better way to spend that extra time than to read.  When getting ready to head out the door, grab a book or magazine.  You’ll be sure to have a great way to keep your kids busy!

2.  Over and Over Again
Encourage independent readers to read books over & over again.  This will help them build vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.  Read favorite books to your children multiple times.  They may not be “reading” it, but they will still be building their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

3.  Dig deeper
As you read a story with your child, ask him/her questions about what is happening.  Have them predict what will happen.  Encouraging your child to do more than read the words helps them develop higher-level thinking skills and comprehension.

4.  Be patient and gentle  
Give your child time to sound out unfamiliar words.  When your child makes a mistake, gently point out letters or groups of letters they may have overlooked.

5.  Play Word Games
Play rhyming games with word families.  For example, say the word “mat” and have your child create the words that sound the same.  There are many “families” from which to choose.


  1. i wish this works on my daughter!! im about to start doing it tomorrrow!! she never reads alone.. thank u for these awesome tips!

  2. These are great tips to start with!

  3. i do that tooo!! playing word games are a BIG help!
    Good tips CLubz

  4. must be helpful for my lil sister! mom you need to know about this!!!!!
