Saturday 9 July 2011

Top 10 tips for getting the most out of a tutor session

With the experience of Club Z! tutors, we feel like students do not know what to expect from a tutoring session. If you know what you are getting yourself into, you will get more out of your time with a tutor. Here are 10 tips that can prepare you for your appointment:

10. Meet wherever you are comfortable
Whether you like to study in the library, ask your tutor for your appointment to be held there. You will accomplish more if you feel relaxed in your surroundings.
9. Bring your notes and necessary tools
If you are planning to review concepts, I need to see what you have been learning. Bring all textbooks, class notes, and things like your laptop or calculator if they are needed to get the work done. One of my students showed up to an appointment empty handed and still expected me to be able to help him; he was out of luck.
8. Never give up! 
A lot of people approach a tutor already feeling defeated. A positive attitude is the most important thing if you want to raise your grade. Even if you are failing a class, put your best effort into trying. You’ll be surprised how well you can do!
7. Be on time
This is not lecture; you cannot slip in unnoticed. I generally have back-to-back appointments, so I cannot stay late, just like most tutors. You will learn more if you are there your full allotted time.
6. Keep studying afterwards
Continue working on your homework, going over your notes and reading your textbook. Don’t wait until your next appointment to review your notes. Make sure you are fully confident with the work on your own.
5. Don’t expect a miracle
If your exam is tomorrow and this is your first appointment, you are probably seeking a quick fix; it doesn't work that way. Tutoring works best when you have developed a relationship with the tutor. Once you start to feel uneasy about an upcoming exam, schedule an appointment. By the time the exam rolls along, you will be comfortable with your tutor and ready to tackle any exam.
4. Feel comfortable reaching out
If you have questions, email them to your tutor before the appointment. This will allow them to prepare and give you the best help they can offer. And it is more than all right to email or text a follow-up question after the session. The students who have my number programmed into their phone and feel comfortable texting or calling me are the ones who learn the most.
3. Go to classI
f you are still skipping class at the point of getting a tutor, you need to reorganize your thoughts. One time I found out that one of my students was skipping class. When I asked him about it, he said “Well yeah, but that’s why I come to you!” A tutor is not a replacement for a professor.
2. I cannot do your homework for you
A few of my students feel like this should be an “all-inclusive” service. I guess I missed that part of tutor training.
1. Lead the session; you are in charge! 
If you are only seeking help with one concept, make your needs direct. Many of my students tell me they are confused about “everything” when they really just have a few questions. If you do not need a full review, don’t let me waste your time with one.

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