Friday 8 July 2011

Why Tutor Your Child?

Homework does not have to be a time consuming, teeth-wrenching chore for your child. It can actually be an enjoyable experience. One that he looks forward to each day.
homework assignment
As a parent, you can facilitate the homework process by learning a few tips and tricks.

Homework has a purpose
This is probably the most overlooked aspect of effective and efficient homework completion. Children need to know 'why' they have to do homework. They need to know 'how' homework is going to benefit them? They need to know how homework fits into the general scheme of their education?
If they don't understand homework's purpose, the reason they have to do it, and how it will benefit them, then homework will be an unfulfilling experience. They will loathe the thought of doing it—getting it finished will be like pulling teeth.
What is the purpose of homework? Teachers give homework to reinforce skills that have been taught during the school day. Homework also gives the student the opportunity to get extra practice and work independently. Using homework, teachers are able to assess the progress of their students. From the results of this and other assessments (testing, etc.), teachers are better able to plan and meet the academic needs of their students.
If your child does not understand the purpose of homework, it is not likely that she will be enthusiastic about doing homework. If your child is not enthusiastic about doing homework, it will probably take him longer to finish, and he's probably not getting much reinforcement out of doing it.
Talk to your child about the purpose of homework today.

Attitude is everything
How well or how fast you complete any task is based upon your attitude about the task. This is true for homework also.
If your child has a negative attitude about homework, it will undoubtedly take her longer to complete it. Parents often get the impression that their children lack the necessary skills to do homework independently because they take so long getting it done. In many cases this is not true. The real problem is that the child just has a negative attitude about doing it... so homework becomes a struggle.
To help your children develop a more positive attitude, talk to them about the purpose of homework. Once you help your child change his attitude you have won ninety percent of the battle.
Also, make sure the environment is conducive to completing homework.

The homework environment
Another key factor in curing the homework blues is the setting up the right homework environment.
Having a set time and place to complete homework is important. It helps your child establish a routine. Your child knows that each evening at this time in this place she will be doing homework. You should make sure that the time and place fits into the family's schedule so there are no distractions or interruptions.
Distractions should be kept to a minimum. There should be no television, and you should discourage social phone calls for older children. Also, allow your child to listen to music only if it is not a distraction.
If you establish a routine and minimize distractions, your child will be less likely to rush through the assignments.
Curing the homework blues is not simple. There is no magical solution that works for all children. However, implementing these tips should provide some help.

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