Friday, 23 September 2011

When you don't like your child's teacher

You're hoping, praying and crossing your fingers that your child gets Mrs. Smith for 2nd grade.  You've heard so many wonderful things about her and you just know that is the best teacher for your child.
However the notice comes home that next year your child is assigned to Mr. Jones' class.  Ugh!  That's not what you wanted.  You just don't think your child will be as happy in that class.  Before you decide that second grade will be a horrid experience, let's examine your feelings toward your child's new teacher.
Is it that you really don't like your child's new teacher? Or is it that you like the other teacher better?  Do you have any first hand knowledge or experience with either teacher?  Sometimes it's easy to be fond of one particular teacher, either because of the good things you've heard or because your older child had that teacher. But is that fair to the new teacher?
Did you have a bad experience with the new teacher?  Or did some of the other mothers just gossip about how strange that particular teacher is.  Consider this: there are an abundance of teachers out of work.  If your school had a teacher that was as horrible as the rumors state, don't you think that teacher would be let go?  Sure there's tenure and all that, but there are too many unemployed good teachers, for a system to hang onto a bad apple.
Or perhaps that new teacher actually did something you don't agree with.  Keep in mind that there is no perfect teacher.  Unless you feel that the teacher made a decision that is grossly misaligned with your beliefs, is it something you can live with?  If not, make an immediate appointment with the teacher to discuss it.  If you still are not satisfied, go to the principal.
All I'm saying is give the teacher a chance.  Give him a chance to prove your preconceived notions false.  Give him a chance to discuss the situation (which caused your dislike).  Most schools will be reasonable with you if you are reasonable with them.  Make sure you have data as to why you would like a different teacher for your child.  "Because you like Mrs. Smith better" is unlikely to get your child switched into a different classroom.
Lastly, keep in mind that if you prayed that your child would be assigned the teacher best suited for him, then likely that is the teacher your child will have.

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