Saturday, 15 October 2011

Why sports are important?

Sports provide a positive learning experience that will enhance your child's ability to develop self confidence, good sportsmanship and teamwork skills. Sports also teach all of us to work hard and have a little fun at the same time.
In sports, children are challenged both mentally and physically. Coaches teach the roles of the game, strategy to win, and how to work together. Your child will also build skills, endurance, and strength.
Perhaps the greatest life lessons are learned in sports. Winning does not come easy; you've got to work for it. "Winners never quit and quitters never win." Life isn't fair. Sometimes you give it your all and you still lose. When you lose, pick yourself up and try again.
Younger children learn socialization through sports. Sharing, listening, and following rules are the fundamentals picked up in earlier years of sports.
Self-esteem is something you cannot give your child. We gain positive self-esteem through accomplishments. In sports, your child can reach goals, big and small, and feel good about themselves. It is not important to be the star. Teach your child to strive to reach personal goals.
In sports there are setbacks, defeats and even injuries. How you handle it says a lot about your character. Your child will be a lot happier if he or she learns to take setbacks in stride and concentrates on doing better next time.
If your child decides to play a sport, make sure you are playing your role the best way you can. Don't pressure your child. Instead be supportive and help him or her through any difficulties or conflicts. It's great to practice with your child, but don't be overbearing and make practice feel like a punishment.
Keep your emotions in check. Avoid criticizing your child or others in public and in private. Instead offer help if there is a certain skill he or she can improve. Never humiliate a child.
Sports help prepare your children for the working world, and life in general. Encourage your child to find a team sport that they will enjoy. Continue to talk with them and support them. Your involvement will enhance their experience.
Winning is not the goal. The real goal is your child's mental, physical and emotional 


Friday, 7 October 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

CLUB Z! wishes you a very Happy Thanksgiving! 


Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Working Moms Can Help Out at School Too

"But Mommmmm, why can't you come to the party today?  Sierra's Mom ALWAYS comes."
That's a question working moms would rather not have to answer.  Of course they would love to be able to be available for every field trip and holiday party.  Mom wouldn't mind having all the little classmates see her in the library and say "Hi Suzy's mom."  Nonetheless, for variety of reasons, that simply is not always possible.
There are however, a number of ways that working moms can help out at school.  If it isn't feasible to actually go to the building before or after school or during lunch, there are plenty of projects that can be done at home.  Teachers always have lots of paper that needs to be cut.  Remember where you put your scissors?
If you aren't available to be at school on the actual day of the party; there is still much pre-planning that you can do.  The younger children usually have a craft, a game and a snack at their parties.  You could volunteer to send juice boxes, cupcakes or plates and napkins to school.  The room parent in charge of coordinating the party would be ever grateful if you took on the task of providing a craft for each child to do. 
For a fun easy winter craft send enough pinecones so that each child gets one.  Then send a bottle of corn syrup and a box of Dixie cups.  Next, at home put a scoop of bird seed into individual zip lock baggies.  Finally cut one strand of yarn for each child.  The children will tie the yard into a loop at the top of their pinecone. Next they will dip the pinecone in the corn syrup that was poured into a Dixie cup. The final step is to put it into their baggie full of birdseed and then shake.  Voila' you've just provided a birdfeeder craft.  The party committee will appreciate it more than you know.
You could also help out at the school carnival or music programs.  Most of those events are usually at night, and may fit into your schedule better. Parents are often needed at evening sporting events too.  Concession stands always need smiling faces to serve up hot dogs.
An often overlooked area of consideration is simply calling the teacher.  Tell him/her that you'd love to help but that your schedule doesn't allow you to come in during the day.  Guaranteed the teacher will have no problem giving you something to do.
So the next time your child asks you why you can't be at the party, remind her of the twenty six paper teddy bears you just cut out so that her whole class could enjoy learning about hibernation!

Friday, 23 September 2011

When you don't like your child's teacher

You're hoping, praying and crossing your fingers that your child gets Mrs. Smith for 2nd grade.  You've heard so many wonderful things about her and you just know that is the best teacher for your child.
However the notice comes home that next year your child is assigned to Mr. Jones' class.  Ugh!  That's not what you wanted.  You just don't think your child will be as happy in that class.  Before you decide that second grade will be a horrid experience, let's examine your feelings toward your child's new teacher.
Is it that you really don't like your child's new teacher? Or is it that you like the other teacher better?  Do you have any first hand knowledge or experience with either teacher?  Sometimes it's easy to be fond of one particular teacher, either because of the good things you've heard or because your older child had that teacher. But is that fair to the new teacher?
Did you have a bad experience with the new teacher?  Or did some of the other mothers just gossip about how strange that particular teacher is.  Consider this: there are an abundance of teachers out of work.  If your school had a teacher that was as horrible as the rumors state, don't you think that teacher would be let go?  Sure there's tenure and all that, but there are too many unemployed good teachers, for a system to hang onto a bad apple.
Or perhaps that new teacher actually did something you don't agree with.  Keep in mind that there is no perfect teacher.  Unless you feel that the teacher made a decision that is grossly misaligned with your beliefs, is it something you can live with?  If not, make an immediate appointment with the teacher to discuss it.  If you still are not satisfied, go to the principal.
All I'm saying is give the teacher a chance.  Give him a chance to prove your preconceived notions false.  Give him a chance to discuss the situation (which caused your dislike).  Most schools will be reasonable with you if you are reasonable with them.  Make sure you have data as to why you would like a different teacher for your child.  "Because you like Mrs. Smith better" is unlikely to get your child switched into a different classroom.
Lastly, keep in mind that if you prayed that your child would be assigned the teacher best suited for him, then likely that is the teacher your child will have.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Make This Year Better Than Last Year.

Remember that incident from last year?  You do?  Then it's time to put it behind you.  It's history!  If last year wasn't such a good school year for your child, you should be even more bound and determined to make this year better than last year!
"But you just don't understand.  Last year this happened or my child …"  Unless something tragic and life changing happened last year in school, then it's safe to say, it doesn't really matter what happened last year, this is a new year; a fresh year.
You may not always be able to change circumstances.  However you (and your child) have complete control to change your reactions to situations.  Let's take a few examples of what may have happened last year to make it not so good.
Embarrassment – It's tough being a kid.  Things cause us to be mortified.  Ever wet your pants in school?  My husband did.  He wanted to die. He thought he'd never live it down.  I'm pretty sure he's the only person on the planet who remembers that.  Teach your child to try to make light of embarrassing situations.   Sure that's easier said than done, but if he can laugh with others, it won't be so traumatic.
Friendship woes.  She's not my friend anymore.  I was the only person not invited to the party!   I can't believe she said that to me.  Unfortunately, hurt feelings are a part of life. Acknowledge your child's feelings and put it behind you – it's a new year.
Situation with a teacher.  I heard of one 4th grader who didn't report to the safety meeting at the end of the school year.  He told the teacher/coordinator that he forgot about the meeting and asked if he could still be a safety.  The teacher said no because the student didn't demonstrate responsibility.  The child fretted for weeks that he'd actually be assigned to that teacher the following year.  In his mind, "he hated that teacher". Guess what?  That child was in that teacher's class.  And that child ended up loving the teacher and having an excellent year.
Remind your child that things are not always as bad as they seem. Remind them that things have a way of working out.  Remind them to worry about nothing.  Ninety percent of the things we worry about never happen; and as for the other ten percent, it's out of our span of control anyway.
Make a conscious decision to have a better year this year!


Friday, 26 August 2011

Motivating your Child to Care about School

Wouldn't we all love to hear an enthusiastic "Great!" when you child is asked how school is going?  Instead you might get an apathetic "It's ok" response.  Or you may even get "it sucks!"  How do you motivate you child to care about school?
The fact is your child may never love school.  For some, academics come naturally, while others struggle throughout.  You can't force the love of school, but you can encourage your child to care about his education.
I always knew growing up that I had to go to college.  It wasn't an option in my family – I had to at least show up for the first day of college.  My parents said that they had an obligation to ensure I had a good education and I had an obligation to get good grades. 
When we'd see adult fast food workers or someone busting their hiney behind a deli counter, my parents would remind me the importance of career options.  I learned that while there was nothing wrong with working in a cashier position, some people didn't have other options because they didn't have a college education. 
I knew early on that I didn't want to spend my adult life flipping burgers.  For me, that was motivation to care about school. For others, that motivation may not work.  Some people are motivated by money.
Show your child different salaries of various careers.  If she has aspirations of a six figure salary, she'll need to start laying the ground work now.   Some children may not respond to any future aspirations.  They are only concerned about the present.
You may not be able to get your child to love school, but perhaps you can help him not hate school.  You know your child better than anyone.  You know his likes and dislikes (if you don't, I strongly suggest you stop reading this article immediately and go hang out with your child!).
What is your child interested in?  Good grades?  Being able to participate in extra-curricular activities? Money? Future earnings? Find what makes your child tick and you'll have a head start.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Club Z! wants you to increase your General Knowledge! (PART 3)

General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers - General Knowledge

101How many legs do butterflies have?6 Legs & 2 Pair of Wings
102Who invented the Nintendo Wii?Kashi Kabushiki
103What year does the Nintendo Wii come out?Late 2006
104Who invented the Light Bulb?Humphry Davy
105Who invented the washing machine?James King
106Who invented the first electric washing machine?Alva Fisher
107Who invented the safety pin?Walter Hunt
108Who invented the Vacuum Cleaner?Hubert Booth
109Who won the Football World Cup in 2006?Italy
110Which country hosted the Football World Cup in 2006?Germany
110Who is the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?David Cameron
111Who won Men's Singles title in French Open 2010?Rafael Nadal (Spain)
112Who won Women's Singles title in French Open 2010?Francesca Schiavone (Italy)
113Who won Men's Doubles title in French Open 2010?Daniel Nestor (Canada) & Nenad Zimonjic (Serbia)
114Who won Women's Doubles title in French Open 2010?Serena & Venus Williams (USA)
115What is the longest word in English in which each letter is used at least two times?Unprosperousness
116What is the most popular breed of dog?Retrievers
117 Who is the CEO of search company Google? Eric Schmidt
118 Who is Miss USA 2010? Rima Fakih
119 Which country won the Thomas Cup title for Badminton in 2010? China
120 Who was the first Indian to join the Indian Civil Services? Satyendranath Tagore
121 Who was the first woman Governor of India? Sarojini Naidu
122 Which two countries have signed the Nuclear Swap deal with Iran? Brazil and Turkey
123 Who won the Madrid Masters men's tournament in 2010? Rafael Nadal
124 Who is CEO of Yahoo? Carol Bartz
125 Who is the first man to climb Mount Everest without oxygen? Phu Dorji
126 How many words can you make from a five letter word by shuffling the places of each alphabet? 120
127 Speed of computer mouse is measured in which unit? Mickey
128 Who topped Forbes list of 'Billionaire Universities' in 2010? Harvard University
129 Barack Obama's birthday is on which date? August 4, 1961
130 Which bird is the international symbol of happiness? Bluebird
131 What is the pirate's flag with the skull and cross-bones called? Jolly Roger
132 What is the common name for ascorbic acid? Vitamin C
133 Which useful household item is made from naphthalene? Mothballs

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Get To Know Your Kid's Teachers

By definition, a teacher is one who teaches.  Ya .. so?  Let's look at what it means to teach.   The dictionary defines the verb teach as:
  • To impart, provide or instruct knowledge or skill
  • To condition to a certain action or frame of mind
  • To cause to learn by example or experience
  • To advocate or preach
  • To carry on instruction on a regular basis in

That last one, to carry on instruction on a regular basis, is a biggie…on a regular basis. On average teachers will spend 30 hours a week with your elementary age child. In contrast, let's look at the amount of time you will spend, with your child during an average school week.   Between getting up, dressed, fed and teeth brushed, on average, a parent will spend 10 minutes actually with the child.
Then there's after school - it's probably at least 5:00 pm before you really spend time with your child; either due to your schedule or your child's. (Note:  Seeing your child and spending time with – are not synonymous).   Then maybe you spend some time together preparing and eating dinner.   After school and after work you may have taken junior to practice or the store, or there was more homework.
If your child is like most, a bath or shower is probably needed. After that, perhaps a bedtime snack, a little TV and then it's time to start the bedtime routine.  It's safe to say, on average, parents will spend less than eight (8) hours a week interacting with their elementary age child.  Now do you see why it is vital to get to know your kid's teachers?
Most schools have an Open House prior to the first day of school.  This gives the parent and child a chance to meet the teacher and vice versa.  Make every effort to attend this Open House.  If you have a schedule conflict you cannot rearrange, make an appointment before or after school to meet your child's teacher.  It may only take a quick 10 minute visit initially, but don't you want to know who will be imparting, providing and instructing knowledge and skills to your child?
Teachers will almost always provide phone numbers and emails where they can be reached.  Nearly all of them will give you their home number.  Use this contact information!  Many parents think, "Oh I don't want to bother the teacher by calling him/her."  Bother?  Staying informed about what is happening with your child thirty hours each week should by no means be considered, "bothering the teacher."  Parents have a duty to know what is going on!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Food Allergies: What to Do when Your Child is the One Who Could Get Sick?

Eight hours later, she woke from her coma.  She was in Emergency Room with her parents sitting by her side.  She was dazed and confused.  Earlier that day she was having an asthma attack, so one of her cabin-mates at camp shared some of her own medication to help her breathe.  What no one knew was that the capsule was coated with egg whites.  That is common in some medications to help make them more slippery and easy to swallow.  The camper was highly allergic to eggs; and consequently went into anaphylactic shock. Camp counselors couldn't revive her, so they called an ambulance.  That is a true story.
Unless you or a loved one has food allergies, it's impossible to convey how consuming avoidance can be.  It is a little more in depth than "don't eat the peanuts".  Severe allergic reactions can occur merely by smelling or touching the forbidden food.
Now that it's back to school time, what can you do so that you child isn't the one who gets sick?
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology issued a statement on Anaphylaxis in Schools and Other Childcare Settings.  The statement outline requirements that school staff, childcare providers, and food service personnel must take.  But please don't rely solely on staff adherence to these requirements.  Take matters into your own hands.
Here are some proactive steps you can take to preclude allergic reactions in your child:

  1. Inform the staff specifically what is needed to ensure no problems at school.  Let them know that you want to work with them to keep your child healthy and not cause classroom disruptions. Get familiar with the school building, lunch facilities and policies regarding snacks.
  2. Don't make assumptions about the staff's knowledge.  Give them information and resources.  Help them understand how to administer medications or to use an epi-pen.  Remind them that since they are required by federal law to assist your child and to include her in normal school activities, you'd like to help make that happen smoothly.
  3. Empower your child.  Reinforce the importance of knowing potential food allergy triggers and identifying them to her teacher. Med-Alert bracelets are helpful, too.
Sure it may take some adjusting on everyone's part, but by working with the school and with your child, you should be able to have a safe, happy and healthy school year! 

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Bedtime Routine to Give your Kids a Chance to Tell you About their School Day

"Ok, it's time to start getting ready for bed.  After your bath, brush your teeth and get your pajamas on.  It's getting late."
If you have a bedtime routine, pat yourself on the back.  Bedtime routines are so vital, especially for young children.  Consider adding one more step to your bedtime routine.  Give your kids a chance to tell you about their school day.
Remember that if your child is in school all day, your teacher is with your son or daughter for an average of 30 hours a week.  That's almost the equivalent of a full work week.  You've missed quite a bit of time with your child. 
Make an effort to keep the communication free flowing.  If you set good habits while your child is young, it'll be easier to talk about just anything as the years pass. For starters, don't ask yes or no answers.  You don't want to establish a nightly Q & A, but rather two-way communication.
Sometimes "tell me about your day" doesn't generate much conversation.  You could begin with, "tell me five things that happened today; recess and lunch don't count."  That is usually a great ice breaker.   Kids learn real quickly that if you don't ask, they're not telling.
In addition to asking what was for lunch, ask who your child sat next to.  Who did they play with at recess?  What did that play during recess?  Was anyone sick today?  Did anything funny or embarrassing happen to anyone in school today?
Sometime it is difficult to keep track of the specials.  By specials I mean: gym, music, art, computer lab, etc.; the extra classes that usually take place with a different teacher outside of the main classroom.  Keep a cheat sheet if you need to; ask what activity they did in gym. 
If you can get your child to tell you about someone who may have had a hard time (in gym, with math, with reading aloud, etc.) it is a great segue for a life lesson in difficulties and hurt feelings.
It really doesn't matter what you talk about; it's more important that you talk.  Make talking about your kid's day a regular part of the bedtime routine, you'll be surprised what you learn!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

A Stress Free Morning Routine for Back to School

Let's go! Let's go! Come on … you're going to miss the bus! I don't know where your favorite jeans are; it's not my responsibility. What do you mean you still have homework? Did you brush your teeth yet? Let's go! I'm leaving… NOW!
Oh I hope your mornings don't sound like that above. If it does, it's not too late to turn that ship around. The key to having a stress free morning routine is to have a smooth bedtime routine. Remember, a routine is something that is followed regularly, standard procedures. Without the consistency you will have an uphill battle.
Here are some tips to a stress free morning routine:
• No yelling. Raising your voice, albeit frustrated, is only going to escalate matters.
• Early to bed, early to rise. That one is simple.
• Showers and baths should be taken at night. You think you'll have time in the morning, but you rarely do.
• Look over all homework for completeness before bed; don't assume it's finished.
• Before bed ensure lunches are made, backpack is packed and there are no surprise "Oh I need xxx today!"
• Give singular instructions. Don't say, "I want you to finish your homework, eat breakfast, get dressed, comb your hair, brush your teeth and be in the car by 8:15." To a child, that sounds like "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." One instruction at a time works wonders.
• Provide instructions once. If you're doing this, stop: "Johnny, it's time to get dressed." Two minutes later, "Johnny, we're going to be late if you don't get dressed now." Two more minutes later, "Johnny, honey, I told you to get dressed." "Johnny, Mommy is going to be late, now go get dressed." To a child that sounds like "Oh mom is good for asking about five more times before she really goes ballistic!" Repeated requests only send the message that junior doesn't really have to do it now.
• Set consequences and stick to your guns. If you tell your child the car is leaving at 8:15 sharp, make it happen. Clearly you can't leave your child behind, so leaving without her isn't an option. Tell her you will be leaving whether she is ready or not. Sending a 10 year old to school with uncombed hair, pajamas and an empty belly might be just the catalyst for change.
You are the parent; you set the tone for the morning routine. You need to be actively involved in the morning routine. Follow the steps above and I guarantee 'joy will come in the morning!'

Friday, 12 August 2011

What if you swallow a bug?

What Happens If You Swallow a Bug?

Did a bug ever fly in your mouth? Usually, the story ends there. You spit it out. Goodbye, bug. But sometimes — gulp! — you might swallow it so it ends up in your stomach. Less often, someone might inhale a bug into the lungs.
You have probably heard that old children's song "I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly." Most people don't swallow flies. But we know of someone who's sure she swallowed a tiny gnat. Another boy had a close call when a yellowjacket flew out of his can of soda and into his mouth while he was taking a sip. (He spit it out before getting stung.) And would you believe that someone said she inhaled a lightning bug and could feel it in her lungs?
There are two paths a swallowed bug might take:
  1. down the esophagus (food tube) into the stomach
  2. down the trachea (windpipe) into the lungs
If the bug ends up in your stomach, it will get mashed up and digested just like any other food. And whatever's left of it will "come out the other end" when you go to the bathroom. It's gross, but unlikely to cause you any more trouble.
If you feel like you inhaled the bug and you think it could be in your lungs, tell a parent or another adult. Usually this will make you cough and feel a little uncomfortable. Your mom or dad will want to check with your doctor. Unlike your stomach, your lungs won't digest the bug.
In your lungs, the bug will get trapped in a layer of slimy mucus. Maybe you're thinking "Gross, there's slime in my lungs!" But it's good to know the mucus is there for a reason. It protects your lungs and airways from situations just like this one. The mucus helps your lungs stay clear so that you can breathe properly. In other words, no bugs allowed!

How to make back to school transition easy ending up in studying successfully

  • Plan ahead

Students should not wait for September to start getting ready for school. Always plan ahead so that you are ready when that first day comes by preparing yourself early. The transition for students will be easy if they don’t wait till last minute.
  • Revision

Students can forget the last year work if they don’t review all what they learned last year. Always look over your notes, old tests and assignments and try to solve all those problems you had last year.
  • Study ahead

Students usually feel burdened with studies when new school year start and it happens because they have not study ahead in their holidays. They must find out what they will be reading in new school year and should read ahead. To study ahead always ask the senior grade students that what should be studied to get ahead in any subject
  • Get a tutor and workbooks to get ready for next grade

Parents should get a tutor for a child if they feel child is not ready for the next grade. Student can also get workbooks of all difficult subjects that cover your past grade and your new grade so that you can get ready for the coming year and can review the last year course also.
  • Plan schedule in advance

Students should do their scheduling in advance, so that you can plan in advance when to get up, when to leave for school and when to study. Practice to get up early a few weeks before school begins, so that you get used to the schedule change.

And you should know how to successfully study when your school will start. The thing that least matters is whether you are writing an English literature paper, reviewing algebra problems, or finishing up a chemistry lab report.
Following are a few key elements that every successful student needs to include in a study plan.
  • Time-Management :
Effective time management is not about how much time a student spend in front of books , it’s about how much he learn in that specific time period. If a student is earning “C grade “after studying 40 hours, than it’s not worth it and its just wastage of time. For effective time management student should develop a proper plan.
  • Motivation :
Motivation is the key to success so if a student wills not motivation to study then he will not be able to get “A grade” or even pass the exam. Student should schedule the rite time in a day to study when he will feel motivated enough to study with full focus.
·         Concentration You need to develop the skill to concentrate as this is a very important ability.  It is not necessary that you always get the amount of silence or time you require spending in a project. You should know and learn how to overcome all these distractions and CONCENTRATE on your studies only.
  • When in doubt, ask you should not be shy when you are not sure about a particular topic. Whoever is near; your instructor, family member or friend, ask for their help. The sooner you address your problem area, the lesser time you will be spending to catch up on your work
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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

August 10 is National Smores Day

August 10 is National S’mores Day. You know s’mores … melty marshmallows and chocolate sandwiched between graham crackers. Mmmmmm.
A S’more is a traditional nighttime campfire treat made popular in North America.
If you’ve never had them before, they are so easy to make! And, we’re giving you some.
Visit our Webiste:

Monday, 8 August 2011

Club Z! wants you to increase your General Knowledge! (PART 2)

General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers - General Knowledge

General Knowledge Questions and Answers

No.General Knowledge QuestionAnswer
51The national flower of China isNarcissus
52The permanent secretariat of the SAARC is located atKathmandu
53The gateway to the Gulf of Iran isStrait of Hormuz
54The first Industrial Revolution took place inEngland
55World Environment Day is observed on5th June
56The first Republican President of America wasAbraham Lincoln
57The country famous for Samba dance isBrazil
58The name of Alexander's horse wasBeucephalus
59Singapore was founded bySir Thomas Stamford Raffles
60The famous British one-eyed Admiral wasNelson
61The earlier name of Sri Lanka wasCeylon
62The UNO was formed in the year1945
63UNO stands forUnited Nations Organization
64The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on15th August
65'Last Judgement' was the first painting of an Italian painter namedMichelangelo
66Paradise Regained was written byJohn Milton
67The first President of Egypt wasMohammed Nequib
68The first man to reach North Pole wasRear Admiral Robert E. Peary
69The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso wasGuermica
70The primary producer of newsprint in the world isCanada
71The first explorer to reach the South Pole wasCap. Ronald Amundson
72The person who is called the father of modern Italy isG.Garibaldi
73World literacy day is celebrated on8th September
74The founder of modern Germany isBismarck
75The country known as the land of the midnight sun isNorway
76The place known as the Roof of the world isTibet
77The founder of the Chinese Republic wasSan Yat Sen
78The first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize wasAbdul Salam
79The first woman Prime Minister of Britain wasMargaret Thatcher
80The first Secretary General of the UNO wasTrygve Lie
81The sculptor of the statue of Liberty wasFrederick Auguste Bartholdi
82The port of Baku is situated inAzerbaijan
83John F Kennedy was assassinated byLee Harvey Oswald
84The largest river in France isLoire
85The Queen of England who married her brother-in-law wasCatherine of Aragon
86The first black person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize wasRalph Johnson Bunche
87The first British University to admit women for degree courses wasLondon University
88The principal export of Jamaica isSugar
89New York is popularly known as the city ofSkyscrapers
90Madagascar is popularly known as the Island ofCloves
91The country known as the Land of White Elephant isThailand
92The country known as the Land of Morning Calm isKorea
93The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts isBhutan
94The highest waterfalls in the world is theSalto Angel Falls, Venezuela
95The largest library in the world is theUnited States Library of Congress, Washington DC
96The author of Harry Potter Books isJK Rowling
97Nickname of New York city isBig Apple
98What do you call a group of sheep?A Flock of Sheep
99In which sport do players take long and short corners?Hockey
100Who was the youngest President of the USA?Theodore Roosevelt

ACT or SAT? Which one should a student take?

This article addresses a question I am often asked by students and their parents.  The answer (“both”) is simple, but deceptively so.  Underlining the answer are several layers of complication that must be considered on a case basis.
Each SAT or ACT taken by a student costs her roughly $50 and half of a day of her life — a small price when compared to the potential benefits of admission into college.  Now, consider this: one of the best ways to prepare for taking the SAT(or ACT) is, well, taking the SAT (or ACT).  So, take both — as often as one can stand the effort and expense.  But that could mean taking twelve tests a year!  Surely that is too much.  So what else should one consider?
Consider the history and purpose of each test.  The SATs were created in the 1920s by and for several elite eastern colleges (i.e., the Ivy League) to supplement high school grades in the colleges’ evaluation of prospective candidates for admission.  The tests have changed over the years, but the basic testing philosophy has not.  The tests are designed primarily to measure the skills a student needs for success in college.  Despite some controversy (regarding diversity fairness and “trick” questions), the tests correlate well with students’ success as freshmen in college. Today the SATs are taken nationwide, but are most popular among colleges (and their prospective students) located in states on or near the coasts.
The ACTs were created in the late 1950s by and for midwestern colleges unhappy with some aspects of the SATs.  The ACTs are designed primarily to measure what a student has learned in high school.  They also correlate with student success in college, but less so than the SATs (according to some experts).  Today the ACTs are taken nationwide, but are most popular among colleges (and their prospective students) located in the broad middle of the country.  Many students feel more comfortable with the ACT (thinking they did better on it than on the SAT), but they are often surprised to find that their percentile rankings on the ACT are no better than those achieved on the SAT.
Nearly all college admissions officers accept either test.  I help prepare students for either or both.  If time and money are not major concerns, I say “go for both.”  If there is a limit, either test will do.  Personally, I lean toward the SAT because of its emphasis on the skills needed for success at the college level.  Getting into a college is only the beginning.  A student must be prepared to succeed in the college learning environment – which is vastly different from that in high school.
In high school, the teacher covers the material in class.  If she is conscientious, she will then assign reading and exercises.  A student, even one weak in critical reading and problem solving, should then be able to do the assignment because the material was covered in class.  In college, the professor does not cover the material.  The student is expected to come to class having already done the necessary reading and exercises.  The professor then “uncovers some of the material” and conducts a seminar with the (informed) students.
In high school a student is tested often.  Most high school quizzes and tests do not emphasize writing or the solving of problems a student has not seen before.  Most college courses test only three times: a midterm exam, a final, and a term paper.  Depending on the course, each test will demand writing, problem solving, or both.
The skills required of college students are precisely the ones tested by the SAT.  Preparing for the SAT thus helps a student develop the skills needed not only to get into college, but to stay there.  So, for most students, my answer is to take both the ACT and the SAT, but to concentrate primarily on the SAT

Monday, 1 August 2011

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Club Z! wants you to increase your General Knowledge! (PART 1)

General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers - General Knowledge

General Knowledge Quiz Questions & Answers - General Knowledge

These general knowledge quiz questions & answers are fun and free for everyone to try. You can test your general knowledge now by trying to answer these questions. How do I improve my general knowledge? Many people ask this question. So, we have decided to put some general knowledge questions along with their answers in the form of a general knowledge quiz so that you can learn and improve your general knowledge. This collection of general knowledge questions and answers from various fields not only help you increase your general knowledge but also create a superb online learning experience for you.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers

No.General Knowledge QuestionAnswer
1The first President of Bangladesh wasSheikh Mujibur Rahman
2The longest river in the world is theNile
3The longest highway in the world is theTrans-Canada
4The longest highway in the world has a length ofAbout 8000 km
5The highest mountain in the world is theMount Everest
6The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak production of the world isMyanmar
7The biggest desert in the world is theSahara desert
8The largest coffee growing country in the world isBrazil
9The country also known as "country of copper" isZambia
10The name given to the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan isDurand line
11The river Volga flows out into theCaspian sea
12The coldest place on the earth isVerkoyansk in Siberia
13The country which ranks second in terms of land area isCanada
14The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea isSicily
15The river Jordan flows out into theDead sea
16The biggest delta in the world is theGanges Delta
17The capital city that stands on the river Danube isBelgrade
18The Japanese call their country asNippon
19The length of the English channel is564 kilometres
20The world's oldest known city isDamascus
21The city which is also known as the City of Canals isVenice
22The country in which river Wangchu flows isMyanmar
23The biggest island of the world isGreenland
24The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world isDetroit, USA
25The country which is the largest producer of manganese in the world isChina & South Africa
26The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world isMalaysia
27The country which is the largest producer of tin in the world isChina
28The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is theAmazon River
29The city which was once called the `Forbidden City' wasPeking
30The country called the Land of Rising Sun isJapan
31Mount Everest was named afterSir George Everest
32The volcano Vesuvius is located inItaly
33The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world isCuba
34The length of the Suez Canal is162.5 kilometers
35The lowest point on earth isThe coastal area of Dead sea
36The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants ofNepal
37The largest ocean of the world is thePacific ocean
38The largest bell in the world is theTsar Kolkol at Kremlin, Moscow
39The biggest stadium in the world is theStrahov Stadium, Prague
40The world's largest diamond producing country isSouth Africa
41Australia was discovered byJames Cook
42The first Governor General of Pakistan isMohammed Ali Jinnah
43Dublin is situated at the mouth of riverLiffey
44The earlier name of New York city wasNew Amsterdam
45The Eiffel tower was built byAlexander Eiffel
46The Red Cross was founded byJean Henri Durant
47The country which has highest population density isMonaco
48The national flower of Britain isRose
49Niagara Falls was discovered byLouis Hennepin
50The national flower of Italy isLily
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Friday, 29 July 2011

Kid's Zoo at the Toronto Zoo

The Toronto Zoo is a popular place for kids and a must see & do family attraction!  For younger kids who like their nature hands-on, the Toronto Zoo offers a great concept: a Kids Zoo uniquely designed for those 9 and under. Activities range from the educational to the creative to just plain fun!
There are special programs and interactive experiences made just for kids with “close up and personal” animal and staff encounters, touch tables, storyboards. Plenty of opportunities for kids to use their creativity and imagination!
Structured into five Canadian habitat sections, each is crammed with family fun and excitement, along with stimulating activities. Many Zoo Volunteers are on hand to make the kids’ experience even more entertaining!
The Kids Zoo is designed for interactive amusement & learning for kids 9 and under … parents can tag along for the fun.
In the Canadian Prairies, you can dig underground right through prairie dog territory…

… and find yourself nose to nose with a black-tailed prairie dog in his plastic tunnel!

Here are the prairie dogs, seen from the outside … so cute!

The Canadian Forest features a giant aviary with a two-story tree house. Climb to the top for an incredible view.

Zip down the tree house slide to meet the bunnies. Poke your head through some giant rabbit ears, to pose for Mom and Dad.

That’s also where you’ll find a giant sandbox to enjoy!
In the Wetland Habitat, touch some turtle eggs where native frogs, toads, and birds have set up their homes. You can even climb into some turtle shells.
… or a baby Alpaca (llama). Animals have been kept just the right size for children.
Meet some lives guests.
Kids can also have a climb on the giant spider web or…
… or a giant earthworm.

Admire some of the giant insects…
… these are perfectly safe!
There is something new to discover on every visit! The Kids Zoo is Free with your regular zoo admission. Though the Toronto Zoo is open year-round, the Kids Zoo operates seasonally, usually opening in April and closing in October. Schedule is weather permitting.